Monday, June 30, 2014

112 Weddings

YOONHEE & TOM - Wedding #43
The wedding business is about the business of getting married.  At the end of the day, most teary eyed brides and sometimes grooms, say "It was the most perfect day of my was perfect.....I wouldn't change a thing".  

Doug Block, a documentary filmmaker, who also shoots weddings, had a question......what happens after the perfect day and was it the best day of their lives.  He went back and interviewed some the couples he shot.  Some have divorced, deal with dept, while others have children with difficult medical realities, and then even though it's hard there are couples who are happy and wouldn't change a thing.

After watching 112 Weddings, I wonder what has happened to some of my brides that I connected with during the making of their dress.  All I can say is, I pray they are living extraordinary lives.

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